Camo day at RMS.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Camo day.
Camo day.
Camo day.
Camo day
RMS Spirit Week April 13-17, 2020. Send your pictures to your homeroom teacher to be posted on our webpage. #wearebettertogether #gogales
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS Spirit Week
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Girls Volleyball, Basketball, and Spirit Squad Tryouts have been postponed until August. We will let you know if anything changes.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
The RMS nurse will be at school Monday the 13th from 9am-1pm for medicine pickup. Any medication not picked up by the end of the school year must be disposed of by law.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS has outside AMI packet drop off and pickup boxes now so you can come anytime you want. If you need a Chromebook you must come between 9-1pm on Tuesday and pick it up in the foyer.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Remember AMI Packet pick up is Tuesday from 9am-1pm if you can not get it digitally. Drop off is anytime in our outdoor drop box.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
April 6th-17th AMI Packets available on RMS website. Click menu, then documents, then AMI Days. It will also go out to students through email. Here is the link:
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Food Backpack Pickup Schedule On Tuesdays River Valley Food for Kids 5:30-7:30 or any Elementary Schools 10:30-12:30 Bring documentation of the number of children in the home
almost 5 years ago, RMS
Like to mountain bike? Want to learn how to mtn. bike? Join us this Thursday (4/2/20) @ 7pm for a google hangout meeting to hear about the fastest growing sport in Arkansas. RSD is starting an official mountain bike team for 6th through 12 graders. #cyclonecycling.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Cyclone Cycling Team
We miss our students!
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Missing our students.
Missing our students.
RMS teachers missing our students.
Missing our students.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
March 30-April 3 AMI Packets available on RMS website. Click menu, then documents, then AMI Days. It will also go out to students through email. Here is the link:
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS volleyball and basketball tryouts have been postponed until further notice.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
AMI Packets are available on the RMS website. Click menu then documents. Here is the direct link
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Update: The link that was just sent out has been fixed to where you do not have to sign in to view it. Please try clicking it again. Sorry for the confusion.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Remember that Monday is not an AMI day at RMS. Please click on the link below for more information about Monday March 16th. Link:
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Spirit Squad tryouts are postponed until further notice.
almost 5 years ago, Bryan Swymn