Mrs. Green has our backs & Mr.Roys was a super hero before a lot of you were born. #galestrong #gogales #beahero
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Super hero day!
Super hero day.
Here are more RMS super heroes and Tristin’s crazy hair.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Super hero day.
Super hero day.
Crazy hair day.
It’s super hero day @ RMS. #galestrong #gogales
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Super hero day.
Super hero day.
Super hero day.
Super hero day.
Wow! #crazyhairday #gogales #galestrong
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy hair day.
Its been one of those crazy hair days at RMS. Who will our super hero’s be tomorrow? #galestrong #gogales
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy hair day.
More crazy hair! #galestrong #gogales
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
Even teachers have crazy hair!
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
It’s truly a crazy hair day.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
Check out this great recipe. #galestrong #gogales
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Student recipe
It’s crazy hair day at RMS.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
Crazy hair day.
More exemplar work that our students are turning into their homeroom teachers.#galestrong #gogales
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
AMI work.
Here are some examples of exemplar work that our RMS students are turning into their homeroom teachers. Keep up the great work students! We love and miss each of you.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
AMI work
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Can you see Mrs. Sparks in this camo photo? #camoday@RMS. #we❤️our teachers
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Camo day.
One of our teachers had a “Social Distance Quest” and the first place winner was Macy Cooper! Second place was Barrett Smith, and honorable mention was Ellianna Gjerstad. Great job taking on these fun challenges and participating! “Building a house of cards,” “splashing in a puddle,” “completing a puzzle with your family,” and “yuckiest can in your pantry” were a few that students submitted.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Social distance quest.
Social distance quest.
Social distance quest.
Social distance quest.
Camo day at RMS.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Camo day.
Check out the camo pictures that students & teachers took today on the RMS website. Tomorrow is Crazy Hair Day. Be sure to submit your pictures to your homeroom teacher.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Where is Mrs. Maxwell? #camoday@RMS
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Camo day.
More student pictures from camo day at RMS.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Camo day.
Camo day.
Camo day.
Camo day.
More pictures from camo day at RMS.
almost 5 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Camo day.
Camo day.
Camo day.
Camo day.