#redribbonweek2020 #sayNO2drugs #galestrong #gogales

RMS is proud to be drug free! #sayNO2drugs

How much red will you wear to school tomorrow? #redribbonweek #gogales #galestrong #drugfree

Mark your calendars! Monday, November 2, and Tuesday, November 3 are virtual learning days for Parent/Teacher Conferences.

RMS students received a letter today to take home about the upcoming parent-teacher conferences and remote learning days on November 2-3, 2020.

Congratulations to RMS’s own Gavin White who took 1st place in the Middle School Boys Time Trials this weekend at Springhill Park in Barling, AR. Gavin is a member of the Cyclone Cycling Mountain Biking Team. The cyclone cycling team includes 14 RMS students.

RSD's Flu clinic is scheduled for Monday, October 26 through Friday, October 30 across the district. Free Flu Vaccinations are available to all students, BOTH on-site and virtual learners, as well as staff.
*Virtual learners who wish to receive a vaccination will need to report to their building on the scheduled day. Questions? Contact your building nurse. Thank you, RJ.

It’s Yearbook Time at RMS.

Attention Parents of RSD Students in Kindergarten through 7th grade, the deadline for choosing either the Russellville Cyclone Virtual Academy or returning to school for Onsite learning is noon, Friday, October 16.
*If you have not previously, please contact your school building and share your decision. They will take the proper steps to ensure your students enrollment.

RMS Cyclone Cycling students showing off their team jerseys. #gogales #morekidsonbikes #galestrong

Mesai just reached his goal of reading 20 books before the end of the first nine weeks! #galestrong #RMSreadsbooks

This week, onsite students have received flu packets. If you would like your child to have a flu shot, please complete and return this form to school before our flu clinic day, which is October 29th. Virtual students may also attend and parents may stop by our front office for a form during school hours, or complete it on the day of the Clinic. Nurse Megan will be happy to assist you if you have any questions.



RSD is so excited to have these amazing teachers on our Cyclone Virtual Academy staff! We are looking forward to a great rest of the 2020-21 school year!

Frequently asked Questions answered!
Russellville Cyclone Virtual Academy, (RCVA) is a school within RSD that is virtual for students whose needs may be met better in a different environment than the traditional classroom.
The Buzz LMS is a Learning Management System where Lincoln Learning’s course content is housed and accessed by both teachers and students.
Lincoln Learning is an entirely online curriculum that gives students multiple ways to engage with, understand, and demonstrate mastery of the course content.
Any course can be modified to meet the needs of students.
The Course content is rigorous and includes lessons for all standards at each grade level.
The Lincoln Learning Content is based on the same grade level standard base as the Arkansas State Standards.
Buzz contains multiple tools to help students such as translation of the content on the page, highlighting, on-screen dictionary, and reading the text to the students if needed.

Whirlwind volleyball with Cyclone Booth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAqj59YStO4&feature=push-lbss&attr_tag=SIUpYCKAJJC1kXLF%3A6

Congratulations to the '20-'21 7th grade Quiz Bowl team!
Korey Brown
Keegan Fuller
Katie Howell
Ian Warnick
Christian Dunaway
Noah Beaver
Will Stump
Gidean Fuller
Maddie Clements
Jaden Smith

Congratulations to RMS Employee of the month, Mr. James Scott.

Lifetouch picture retakes will be taken on Tuesday November 10, 2020. Off site students can come to RMS anytime that day to have their retake picture taken.