Fall is in the air at RMS!
#gogales #galestrong

This is your opportunity to submit your school portrait for the 2021 yearbook if you are an Option C virtual learner and did not get a professional portrait picture. The photo that you send us is the picture that will be in the yearbook. Follow these simple tips to ensure your photo looks great.

“Mrs. Gallegos English Resource class is creating a thankfulness graffiti wall to help remind us all that there are many reasons to be thankful!” #gogales #galestrong

RMS cookie dough fundraiser money is due on Monday November 9th along with your order forms.
Cookie dough orders should arrive around December 15th. A more specific date on its arrival will be given as it gets closer to December.

The deadline for the Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest has been extended until November 7, 2020. Altice USA, the parent company of Optimum and Suddenlink, announced its annual Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest in partnership with Univision. The essay contest invites middle and high school students to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by submitting an essay that describes a Hispanic person whom they consider to be a hero and why.
'We all have a hero. Someone we look up to. Someone who inspires us. Whether it is a civil rights activist, pop culture icon, or someone you know personally, heroes bring us hope when we need it the most.
*In 500 words or less, tell us about a Hispanic person, past or present, who you consider to be a hero and explain why.'
Who: Optimum and Suddenlink’s Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest in partnership with Univision
What: Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest for middle and high school students about a Hispanic person who they consider to be a hero.
Where: More information can be found at Optimum.com/HHM and Suddenlink.com/HHM
When: Essay submissions must be received by 11:59 pm EDT on November 7th, 2020
Why: Grand prize finalists will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
Additional three finalists will receive an iPad. Separate prizes for middle and high school categories.

Thank you to Bank OZK for providing a great supper to the RMS teachers & staff.

No school on Monday & Tuesday (November 2nd & 3rd) for parent-teacher conferences. Meals will be delivered for both days on Monday with buses following their regular routes beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Fall picture day is coming to RMS on November 10, 2020.

Say NO to drugs!


Just say NO!
#gogales #galestrong

Look closely through the camouflage & you will see students and teachers saying no to drugs!
#sayNO2drugs #gogales #galestrong

ATTN. RSD Families: Nov. 2 & 3 are remote learning days across the district for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Meals will be provided for both days. Buses will run their routes beginning Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. and will deliver meals for Monday and Tuesday at that time. Questions? Contact your child's school or Dining Services. Thank you! RJ

Join the “say no to drugs” team!

Say no to drugs like our undefeated RMS football team.
#sayNO2drugs #undefeated #gogales #galestrong

We were rocking the tie-dye today as we say no to drugs. #galestrong #gogales #sayNO2drugs

The Boys and Girls Club of the Arkansas River Valley will be closed November 2-6, 2020.

RMS says Peace out to Drugs!
#sayNO2drugs #galestrong #gogales

Congratulation to the “UNDEFEATED” RMS football team! #galestrong #gogales

Russellville Middle School's fundraiser starts today, and we need your help. Our goal is to raise $15,000 for essential programs not currently funded through traditional means.
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
1. Register TONIGHT at www.ShopFund.com
2. Share custom support links with family and friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Text, and more.
3. Student Goal: 5 Online Supporters.
REGISTER-SHARE-WIN: Sharing gets you tickets for chances to win over $100,000 in instant prizes.
Fundraiser links:
How to videos: https://bit.ly/31c2Fh6
Kick off videos: https://bit.ly/32EXsiT
Parent Letter: https://bit.ly/37A0JCu
On behalf of RMS PTO and the staff at Russellville Middle School, thank you for doing your part to make our fundraiser a success.