RMS Gales Volleyball
If you would like to sign up to receive the 2018-2019 RMS Newsletter, please scan the QR code or click on the following link to register.
Link: https://goo.gl/forms/KLfhq8X54O7gzkT83
Meeting tomorrow (8/23/18) @ 7:00 pm for beginning band students’ parents in the large bandroom. Park on the gym side & go in the gym doors.
6th grade students interested in applying for the Quiz Bowl team met during advisory today. If your child was absent from school today, but would still like to receive information on the application process, please email Mrs. Heathcock by Wednesday, August 22nd at georgia.heathcock@russellvilleschools.net
RMS student/athletes were awesome at yesterday’s Cyclone Extravaganza!
There are more exciting events going on tomorrow at the Cyclone Extravaganza!
The Home Access Center ( HAC ) will be activated in a few weeks. Parents will receive a HAC by mail & students will receive their letter during advisory. HAC is a way to keep up with your child's information. Please email stacee.frazier@russellvilleschools.net if you need assistance with your login.
Teachers & administrators from RMS had their superhero game on today. #superheroteachers
Please come to RMS Open House Thursday the 9th from 6-8 pm. You will be able to meet your teachers and come to the principal meeting where we will cover important topics for the upcoming school year. We will hold one at 6 pm and one at 7 pm. Please park in the back parking lot as we will have the front blocked off to help with traffic. Please fill out a free and reduced lunch form while you are here even if you don't think you will qualify. All participation will help us work towards our goal of free breakfast and lunch for all students.
Don't forget to come tonight from 4-7pm to pick up schedules and get locker combinations, free TDAP vaccinations (bring medical card), and to fill out free and reduced meal forms (can bring money for meal card)!
Last spring 7th grade geography classes completed a fundraiser for Water for South Sudan. Students from Mrs. Babb, Ms. Walker, and Mr. McClure's classes raised over $2,600 for the organization.
Schedule Pick Up Thursday, August 2nd, between 4 – 7 p.m. and Friday, August 3rd, between 9 – 3 p.m.
List of Events:
- Pick up schedules and locker assignments.
- 6th Grade required Tdap vaccine offered. A parent or guardian must be present. Please bring your student's medical coverage card but it is a free service. Please contact Nurse Shelby Owens at 479-968-2557 if you have questions.
- Please fill out a free and reduced lunch form even if you don't think you qualify, participation helps us with funding. Also, you can add money to your child's lunch account. Exact cash only or check with proper ID.
Please join us for an informational meeting on starting a mountain bike team. You don’t have to be experienced or even have a mountain bike. Open to all district male & female students, 6th - 12th grades.
Yesterday we celebrated Mrs. Edgin on her new adventure as Superintendent at East End School District. Best wishes and Good luck!
Big "Shout Out" To Mrs. Harness' advisory class for raising almost $60.00 for the River Valley Food 4 Kids program during the school coin drive!
End of Semester Test Schedule
RMS Art Show.
RSD will dismiss two hours early on Thursday, May 17 for the Employee Recognition Ceremony. The last day of the school year is Tuesday, May 29, and the district will dismiss one hour early.
Please join us in celebrating Mrs. Edgin’s contributions to the Russellville School District and wish her well on her next adventure.
Reminder: Students will be dismissed 2 hours early on Thursday, May 17th.