Congratulations to RMS January Teacher of the Month Ms. Phyllis Riedmueller.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
January Teacher of the Month Phyllis Riedmueller
Please join us this Friday January 18th for our 2nd Qtr. awards assembly. 7th grade will be from 8:50-9:30am and 6th grade will be from 1:45-2:20pm.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
2nd quarter awards assembly.
Boys and Girls both take wins over Conway. Way to go Gales.
about 6 years ago, RMS
Thanks to our Principals, faculty, and staff for a great team breakfast before school this morning.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Faculty Christmas breakfast.
RMS faculty breakfast.
RMS faculty breakfast.
Congratulations to RMS Teacher of the Month Jennifer Rogers.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS Teacher of the Month Jennifer Rogers.
Classes will dismiss one hour early Thursday, December 20th. There will be no school Friday, December 21st - Friday, January 4th. Classes will resume Monday, January 7th. The district wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Students and teachers are going all out today for Ugly Sweater Day at RMS.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Ugly sweater day at RMS.
We have elves working at RMS.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Coach McCrotty’s holiday costume.
The RMS students vs teachers volleyball game was so much fun today.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS volleyball team.
Teacher volleyball team.
RMS Volleyball Team.
RMS Teacher volleyball team.
Congrats to Officer Bryce Davenport. He was named Russellville Police Department’s officer of the year! Thank you Officer Davenport for all you do! We appreciate you.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Officer Davenport. RPD Officer of the Year.
The end of semester test schedule is going home with students today.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
End of semester test schedule.
Here is next week's holiday celebration schedule for teachers and students. Show your holiday spirit and have some fun! Monday the 17th - Holiday hat and sock day. Tuesday the 18th - Ugly Christmas sweater day. Wednesday the 19th - Holiday cheer outfit.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Crazy holiday hat day.
Ugly Christmas sweater day.
Holiday cheer outfit day.
Our Library Lit League had a great time skating last week. You can still join in on the fun by reading books and giving short book talks. See Mrs. Heathcock for more information.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS students at the lit league skating party.
RMS students at the lit league skating party.
RMS students at the lit league skating party.
RMS students at the lit league skating party.
Here is the RMS end of semester test schedule.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS end of semester test.
The RMS band concert is tonight at the Center for the Arts at 7:00pm. Please come and support our amazing band students and directors.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS Ben caroling in the halls.
RMS students exceeded their cookie dough sales goal so Mr. Swymn agreed to ride a tricycle instead of walking in school today. #galespirit #morekidsonbikes
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Safety first Mr. Swymn.
Mr. Swymn at the fundraiser assembly.
We have the best students! #RMS
Our students rock!
Caroling in the halls at RMS today! We’ve got the best band students and directors! Merry Christmas.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Caroling in the Halls.
Congratulations to RMS 7th grade student Natalie Saenz on her Hispanic Heritage Award from Suddenlink.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Natalie Saenz Hispanic Heritage Award
Natalie Saenz Hispanic Heritage Award
Natalie Saenz Hispanic Heritage Award
Congratulations to our RMS Spelling Bee winners. Tess Barborek, 1st place; Camilla Gonzales, 2nd place; and 3rd place, John Choate.
over 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS spelling bee winners.
The RMS spelling bee will be held tomorrow (12/3/18) beginning at 3:30 in the Large Group Meeting Room.
over 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Spelling bee announcement.