We will get out 1 hour early tomorrow and it is the last day of school. Have an awesome summer!
almost 6 years ago, Bryan Swymn
7th grade Pre-AP science students finished the school year with a trip to UCA’s Planetarium.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS 7th grade Pre-AP science students field trip.
7th grade pre-AP science students field trip.
7th grade pre-AP science field trip.
Two hour early dismissal on Thursday May 16, 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Two hour dismissal on Thursday May 16, 2019.
Free meals all summer long. Please help spread the word.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Free meals all summer long.
Looking to be part of the fastest growing sport in Arkansas? Join our River Valley Mountain Bike Team. No tryouts, everyone rides. Please join us for an informational meeting next Friday, May 17th at 6pm at RHS.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
River Valley Mountain Bike Team information
RMS talent show & field day are in the books.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS talent show 2019.
RMS field day 2019.
RMS field day 2019.
RMS talent show 2019
Thank you to our amazing PTO group for the great teacher appreciation lunch.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
PTO luncheon.
Congratulations to the RMS Book Art Contest winners. Lilli Pagel, Sydney Neely, Grace Chandler, Hadlee Vines, Michael Rogers, & Joey Skaggs. These students received movie theater gift cards as their prizes.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS book art contest winners.
RMS book art contest winners.
Congratulations the 2019/2020 RJHS 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RJHS Boys Basketball Team 2019/2020
Our RMS faculty/student basketball game was a lesson in shooting baskets! Way to go student and faculty athletes.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS student/faculty basketball game.
RMS faculty/ student basketball game.
RMS student/faculty basketball game.
RMS student/faculty basketball game.
Congratulations to RMS Teacher of the Year, Ms. Carolyn Cross.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Carolyn Cross, RMS Teacher of the Year.
RMS has the best Administrative Assistants' team!
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS Administrative Assistance Day.
Today was a great day to have a picnic after our morning ACT Aspire testing. Here are a few more pictures of our students enjoying being outside.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
ACT Aspire picnic lunch.
ACT Aspire picnic lunch.
ACT Aspire picnic lunch.
ACT Aspire picnic lunch.
RMS students were rewarded with a picnic lunch after their ACT Aspire testing this morning. Here are a few more pictures from today's picnic lunch.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
RMS students were rewarded with a picnic lunch after their ACT Aspire testing this morning. Here are a few pictures from today's picnic lunch.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
RMS students were rewarded with a picnic lunch after their ACT Aspire testing this morning.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
ACT Aspire picnic lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire Picnic Lunch
ACT Aspire testing begins tomorrow, April 24th! #doyourbest
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
ACT Aspire testing begins tomorrow.
ACT testing begins Wednesday April 24th.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
ACT Aspire Testing
Important RMS volleyball practice information.
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
RMS volleyball news.
Congratulations to April Teacher of the Month Savannah Snowden
almost 6 years ago, Russellville Middle School
Savannah Snowden, April Teacher of the Month.