RMS students enjoying the RHS basketball game at cyclone arena.

Parents and Guardians,
Russellville Junior High School will have their Pre AP night for parents and guardians to learn about all the Pre AP courses available to 8th and 9th graders next year on Tuesday, January 28th from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm in the RJHS cafeteria. This is for ANY student that is interested in taking Pre AP classes next year.
Please park on the east or west side of the campus and enter the building under the covered walkway on that side. The main office entrance door will be locked. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.
Please call 479-968-1599 if you have any questions.

Happy MLK Day!

Thank you Russellville School Board Members past & present.

Strong schools = strong communities, Thank you Russellville School board.

Congratulations to Olive Clair for placing 2nd in the Pope County Spelling Bee!.

RJHS cheerleading clinics for rising 8th grade students.

Russellville public schools will dismiss one hour early on Friday December 20th.

Congratulations to the RMS robotics & STEM teams. The robotics teams qualified again for State & the STEM team received 1st place in the STEM Research Project Award. #gogales

RMS will be on a regular schedule Monday - Thursday. RMS will dismiss one hour early on Friday December 20th

RMS Band concert tonight!

RMS Choir Concert Tonight!

RMS students caroling in the hallways.

Congratulations to RMS spelling bee champion Olive Clair, 2nd place Isaac Epperson, and 3rd place Brittani Sanchez. Congratulations to all the participants. #gogales

RMS will dismiss classes one hour early today. Have a great Thanksgiving break. See you next Monday December 2, 2019.

The seventh grade quiz bowl team participated in a junior high quiz bowl camp on Saturday. Veeren Donda and Sarah Shoptaw were on the teams that earned 1st and 2nd place.

Thanksgiving Lunch Thursday 21st
6th Grade- 10:45
7th Grade- 11:40
Please come eat with your student. Lunch is $4.25. Cash or check. Exact change is preferred or please fill out check ahead and make it out to RMS. This will allow the line to go faster.

RMS progress report cards will be given out today during 7th period.

2 RMS Robotics Teams qualify for state today at the Henderson State tournament.

Congratulations to the service & kindness clubs at RMS for collecting over 800 pairs of socks for children and families in need. #rmscares